Join the Coach’s Lounge and @ElPueblodelSol to Celebrate 2ND ANNUAL El Día del Amor y La Amistad / Love & Friendship Day on Saturday, February 12th ????-until. COME TAKE YOUR PHOTOS with photographers @ymmphotobooth and @enidayphotography. This is a Family Friendly Celebration.
Bring your lover, friends, and family to dance cumbia inside the Coach’s Lounge. This will be a beautiful, abundant, and harmonious event uniting the Stockton community. There will be wine and beer tasting, Vegan food and more. Don’t miss out on the LowRider Showcase hosted by @Nokturnal209Stockton. There will be Cultural Dance Performances, Raffles and More! This event will follow the CDC’s guidelines for social distancing. All vendors will have hand sanitizer available for your use and MASKS ARE REQUIRED. Sanitation Booths and FREE masks will be provided to the public!
$10 Donation