The Children’s Museum of Stockton is excited to host their second DRIVE THRU Trunk or Treat event featuring local community organizations!
With the need to maintain social distance, they decided the safest way to bring the Fall Festivities to life was in a drive thru format.
Families are welcome to dress up and enjoy the decorated trunks in our parking lot all from the comfort of your own vehicle. Vehicles will drive through and make a quick stop at each Trunk to receive a goody bag from that organization.
Vendors will be wearing masks and gloves.
Children ages 12 and under will receive goody bags.
All children must be present in the vehicle.
Please be advised that there may be heavy traffic and a line to enter. The line to enter the parking lot will be at Van Buren from Washington Street.
Theyare asking all participants to register in advance.
Free Event
Happy Halloween!
- 402 West Weber Avenue Stockton CA US