After a bitter divorce, an actor disguises himself as a female housekeeper to spend time with his children held in custody by his former wife.
Chris Columbus
Anne Fine(based upon “Alias Madame Doubtfire” by)
Randi Mayem Singer(screenplay by)
Leslie Dixon(screenplay by)
Robin Williams
Sally Field
Pierce Brosnan
Please Note:The state of Californiarequiresall persons attending anevent, including at the BobHope Theatre,toprovide proofoffullvaccination, or anegativeCOVID-19 test result taken within72 hoursof the event start, home test kits arenotaccepted. All persons 18 or older arerequiredto provide proof of identity. Unvaccinated personsmustmask up, vaccinated persons are encouraged to wear a mask. Persons not compliant with these state requirements will bedeniedentry. This event and any scheduled event are subject to the existing state of California, County and City Health Mandates regarding venue capacity and safety protocols for implementation of safety in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Theshowreserves the right to cancel or postpone any event in conformance with any health mandate in effect on the date of the event or for operational needs to safely comply with public health orders.
TICKETS$12 adult / $6 Children
Tickets available on
- 242 E. Main Street ... Stockton CA US