The Women of Women-Owned Businesses in Downtown Stockton

Categorized Under: Business Spotlight

In honor of Women’s History Month, we’re featuring some of the faces behind downtown’s Women-Owned Businesses in this month’s blog! Below, you’ll meet some amazing female business owners, find out what inspired them to build their own businesses, and learn what they love most about being a woman.

D’lilah, D’lilah’s Cakery


“I was inspired to open a business because I wanted to bring something fun to the area. Bring desserts people weren’t used to. Something fun for the young people. I also just really wanted to work for myself and support my own vision instead of building up someone else’s. One thing I can also say is by me taking a leap of faith, I’ve inspired other girls to do the same and follow their own vision, and I love that.”

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“My favorite thing about being a woman is the irrevocable strength we all obtain. We might be crying one minute and the next pulling it together to conquer whatever obstacle is in our way, and for that we are pretty bada** .”

Natalie Navarro, The Beauty Base


“I love helping others feel more confident in themselves and opening in downtown has definitely helped reach a different audience to do so!”

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“What is there not to love about being a woman?! There’s so many opportunities out there for us now and if there isn’t, we’ll make it happen. I feel like all women have this certain drive of determination and I just love and admire that so much!”

Rima Barkett, BellaVista Rooftop & Events

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“I wanted to do something worthwhile in my life.”

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“[To be a woman] means to be someone who is not afraid to speak the truth for herself and for others. Means being compassionate, kind, vulnerable but at the same time tough and assertive. Being a woman is complicated but… magical. Because we, the women, we have the real power. When we will discover it the world will be a better place.”

Rosa Patricia “Patty” Ayala, UNIQO Salon


“I am an entrepreneur at heart, having a business was always my dream , my beginning years as a stylist at my mothers shop in Mexico and traveling the world doing hair inspired me to one day have that ‘big city fashion salon’ in my hometown Stockton.”

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“Strong minded soft-hearted, they come together.”

Gwen Overton, Legendary Coffee and Books


“Ever since I was a young girl, I’ve aspired to open my own business. As my interests in life changed, a few of my interests never did — my love and passion for people, coffee and books. At a former employment place, I started a coffee club where people would provide monthly dues to bring in good coffee and creamer. Little did I know, this would catapult my business idea to combine the three interests that never left my Spirit. In 2019, Legendary Coffee and Books was born. The same inspiration I had as a young child is the same inspiration I want to instill in every young person who walks through our café doors — If I could do it, you can do it too, and here’s how.”

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“My favorite thing about being a woman is our natural ability to make something fabulous. By design, we birth things into existence — life, success, businesses, a nation — our capacity to love unconditionally, our strength, power, beauty, spirits, and sisterhood. Women can do it all. Women have always made impactful contributions to this world in business, education, sports, politics, art, and finance, to name a few. I’m proud to be a woman and continue the incredible trailblazing legacy many amazing women have set before me.”

Marie Pease, The Freckled Moon


“I’ve always wanted to own my own business. Doing what I love is my ultimate dream. Realizing working 9-5 for someone else wasn’t my idea of a great life. Creating and selling my creations was. I also wanted to prove to everyone that I could do it. Despite the odds stacked against me. Being a single mom of 4, working, raising kids and opening a business took determination and hard work. There were many obstacles but I overcame them and am living out my dreams. Set your goals and make it happen.”

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“I love everything about being a woman. I love how soft but hard we are. We are resilient, smart, kind, and powerful. I wouldn’t want to be anyone but me, a woman.”

Amy Sieffert , Goodstock Productions


“Goodstock started in March 2015, with our flagship event, @stockmarketca. At the time, our mission was simple- to support local artists and entrepreneurs while fostering community connection, creative expression, and doing our part to promote the positive in Stockton. We didn’t anticipate that this one event would grow into a full-fledged events company. Since then, we’ve branched out into non-profit fundraisers, weddings, socials, and celebrations of all kinds. In 2020, we did our fair share of virtual events as well!

Our beginnings were pretty humble and involved literal blood, sweat & tears. We’ve been through the death of a friend and mentor, 2 partners, moving 3 times, becoming an LLC, growing from volunteers to interns to employees…. and now a pandemic.”

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“Not sure what the future holds, but this is certain- I’m proud to have brought this dream to fruition, to help others realize theirs, and to have done so as a woman.

Some things I love about event planning are the same things I love about being a woman~ proving assumptions wrong, challenging unrealistic standards and nurturing individuality… after all, event planning is basically the same thing women do every day- take ideas and turn them into reality.”

Check out our business directory for a complete list of women-owned businesses in downtown to help you plan your next visit into downtown!