Talk to Downtown

Categorized Under: Community , Free


Mar 11 2020


10:00 am - 11:00 am

We hear you!

Why Webinars?
At the end of 2018, the DSA administered a survey of business owners and property owners. The results of this survey illuminated key issues and concerns facing our stakeholders, from parking to property management.
While the DSA can help with some concerns, like downtown cleanliness, many of the issues reported by our stakeholders are outside the parameters of what the DSA can do as a PBID organization.
We decided to develop a way to better connect business owners, property owners, and even visitors with the appropriate organizations, departments, and people who can help with the downtown concerns they have.
From the desire to serve as a connector and information hub, the DSA began hosting a webinar series called Talk to Downtown in January 2020. This webinar series features guests who are experts on the hot topics reported by our stakeholders, and gives viewers the chance to ask questions directly to the individuals who can answer them.
How to Watch
To watch the webinar in real-time via Facebook Live and have the chance to type in questions for the guests, click here on the day of the webinar. ( )
If you missed one of the webinars live, don’t worry, you can access the webinar via our Youtube Channel ( ) or in the links at the bottom of this page!
Upcoming 2020 Topics

March 11th – Homelessness
April 8th – Grants & Loans from the City of Stockton
May 13th – Effective Property Management
