Stockton Peeps! Have you been wanting to read local author, Ed Bonilla’s exciting new Near Future Dystopian novel that takes place in Stockton, but just haven’t been motivated? Welcome to the City of Stockton’s newest virtual book club! We will be reading Bonilla’s 5 Clones during the month of January and then meeting in city wide Zoom meetings January 15th and 30th to discuss the book with the author. More info about Bonilla and his popular new Science Fiction novel here: ( )
Hosted by: The City of Stockton Arts Commission, The Write Place, and the Friends of the Stockton Public Library Bookstore.
Join the event to read the book and be part of the group before January 15th and you will automatically be entered into a drawing to win a wine and cheese or beer and snacks gift basket.
Copies of the book are available directly through Ed at, at The Friends of the Stockton Public Library Bookstore, at the Stockton Barnes and Noble, and through
To participate:
Purchase the book and follow the event on Facebook to receive updates on the zoom link.
Don’t have Facebook? Keep checking for the zoom link or bookmark this page and check back closer to the end of December.